Challenges Facing the Entry of Graduates of Technical Training Institutions into Self-employment

The Case of North Rift Region

  • Kiboi M Japheth Rift Valley Technical Training Institute, Eldoret
  • Herbert Dimo, PhD Rift Valley Technical Training Institute & University of Eldoret, Eldoret, Kenya
Keywords: TVET graduates, challenges, self-employment, entrepreneurial skills


Technical Vocational Education and Training programmes provide significant inputs for young people to become self-reliant, opens the opportunities for innovativeness and discover jobs which fits their choices and competencies. This study examined the Challenges facing the entry of graduates of technical training institutions into self-employment in the North Rift region of Kenya. TVET, if made affordable and widespread, can greatly reduce unemployment rates by giving the youth useful skills for self-employment. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; establish whether technical knowledge and skills acquired prepared automotive graduates for self-employment; establish whether entrepreneurial knowledge and skills learnt adequately prepared automotive graduates for self- employment; establish the effectiveness of industrial attachment placement in imparting hands on skills necessary for self- employment. The study adopted a survey research design. Questionnaires were the main instrument used for data collection. Purposive sampling technique was used to identify the subjects for the study and data gathered was analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. Technical graduates (N-130) and instructors (N-120) were given questionnaires where an overall total of 230 questionnaires were returned. Ten former students included in the 130 who were self-employed also participated in the study. Initial findings show that, apart from taking entrepreneurship as theory unit, trainees should be attached to various business concerns to learn hands-on practical skills in business start-ups and management. Another finding identified by the study was a limited rate of employment after completing their courses. Further, despite the industrial attachment providing hands-on practical skills to trainees, the attachment was found to be insufficient and should also include experiences in the Jua Kali sector as well. The study recommended that the course content in automotive courses should be reviewed to match the current developments in technology in the motor vehicle industry; TVET institutions and the private sector should work together to create opportunities for comprehensive internship programmes with attachment period of three months replaced with internship period lasting for twelve months after the training, and the government should set up start-up loans for graduates willing to enter self-employment.

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How to Cite
Japheth, K., & Dimo, H. (2019). Challenges Facing the Entry of Graduates of Technical Training Institutions into Self-employment. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 4(1), 94-107. Retrieved from