Technical Challenges that Hinder the Integration of ICT into Secondary School Financial Accounting Systems in in Kenya (CEPAK)

  • Moses Kogei Kapkiai Kisii University
  • Jonah N. Kindiki Moi University, Eldoret
  • David Kiprop Kisii University
Keywords: Integration, accounting systems, ICT


The dawn of 21st century brought with it changes and new challenges. This study singled out the challenges faced by secondary schools in Kenya in their effort to integrate information and communication technology in their financial accounting systems using five selected counties in North Rift Region as a case. The theoretical framework adopted for this study was derived from the systems theory of organizations which reflected Kast and Rozenweig (1985) view of organizations. The objective of the study was to establish the technical challenges that hinder integration of information and communication technology into accounting systems of secondary schools. This was one of the objectives of a study titled ‘Integration of ICT into Secondary School Financial Accounting systems in North Rift region of Rift Valley, Challenges and Prospects’. The study targeted 1200 schools in the north rift. Out of this 60 schools were purposively selected together with principals of the same schools. Data from respondents were collected from surveys using designed questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentation analysis. Interpretive (qualitative) research methodology and generic qualitative research design were adopted. The data obtained was subjected to descriptive analysis and presented in tables and percentages and bar graphs. The study found significant technical challenges which included; lack of technical support and low internet connectivity among others. The study made recommendations including intervention by; government through MOEST to provide financial assistance to schools to embrace technology in financial management.

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Author Biographies

Moses Kogei Kapkiai, Kisii University
Jonah N. Kindiki, Moi University, Eldoret
David Kiprop, Kisii University


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How to Cite
Kapkiai, M., Kindiki, J., & Kiprop, D. (2017). Technical Challenges that Hinder the Integration of ICT into Secondary School Financial Accounting Systems in in Kenya (CEPAK). Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2(1), 140-150. Retrieved from