Analysis of Implementation of Strategic Plans in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya: A Case of Moi University

  • Jeniffer J Kiptum Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
  • Sammy K Chumba Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
  • Benjamin K Wambua Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
Keywords: Strategic plans, institutional factors, Quality Management Systems


In recent years, strategic planning has gained fame in all sectors of the economy. Kenyas successive development plans since independence in 1963 to date emphasizes the centrality of regular participation in development activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of strategic plans in Higher Learning Institutions in Kenya. The study was guided by the following research objectives: to establish how institutional factors influence implementation of strategic plans and to establish the effect of quality management systems in implementation of strategic planning. The study was modeled on the generalized classical theory of growth and stagnation. The study targeted a population of 14 Deans, 78 Heads of Department (HODs) in academics and 31 Heads of department in administration. Purposively all the deans were included in the study. Stratified random sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used to sample the HODs. The sample size constituted 14 deans and 23 HODs. Data was collected using self-administered structured questionnaires and interview schedules. Validity of the instruments was rated by the research experts whereas a pilot study and mock interviews were undertaken to determine the reliability of the instruments. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings from the study showed that institutional factors in the university are not satisfactory and Quality Management Systems (QMS) were not fully efficient to facilitate effective strategic plan implementation. In regard to these findings the study recommends that the university to adequately build the capacity of all staff and provide feedback on quality management systems in order to implement its strategic plan effectively. These findings are of significant importance to the management of institutions of higher learning in that it has revealed gaps that ought to be filled to attain effective and efficient implementation of its strategic plan.

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How to Cite
Kiptum, J., Chumba, S., & Wambua, B. (2016). Analysis of Implementation of Strategic Plans in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya: A Case of Moi University. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 1(1), 188-196. Retrieved from