Active Learning in Institutions of Higher Learning

  • Abigael Chelagat University of Eldoret, Eldoret
  • Dr Simon Wanami University of Eldoret, Eldoret, Kenya
Keywords: institutions of higher learning, strategies, Active learning


In this era of improved technology and internet connectivity, learners in institutions of higher learning are bound to be affected both positively and negatively in terms of knowledge acquisition. For instance, on the positive aspect, they are able to interact with learning materials from all over the world and other learners within a very short period of time. Contrary to this, if the instructor does not engage the learners, he/she is bound to lose them because they drift away from the lesson and engage with peers and other activities through the use of their smart phones. Also, they may fail to attend the said lectures simply because in most cases, they are usually left out in the learning process as they do not assume an active role. Hence, this paper focuses on the use of active learning in higher learning institutions where it adopted a review of existing literature. Some fundamental elements used together with this approach include cooperative, collaborative and problem-based learning. Specifically, active learning has been defined giving relevant examples; theoretic foundation used on active learning, the importance of using active learning, active learning strategies/techniques and finally, the challenges of using active learning in institutions of higher learning. To be able to attain students learning outcomes (SLO) within the higher learning institutions, instructors (lecturers) should incorporate the use of active learning approaches which have a capability of making the learning process fruitful.

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How to Cite
Chelagat, A., & Wanami, D. S. (2021). Active Learning in Institutions of Higher Learning. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 6(1), 86-94. Retrieved from